About layouts in the Design System
Layouts structure the main content of the page to reflect a content pattern.
The layout specifies where elements or components are placed in the middle of the page template.
We provide 6 pre-built layouts for the most common content patterns:
- article (default layout)
- guide
- navigation
- question pages in forms
- search results with filters
- search results without filters
These layouts are responsive to changes in screen size.
You can create custom layouts if there’s a need for them in your service.
How to use Design System layouts
The pre-built layouts are included in the Design System’s CSS.
To add a layout, paste the HTML into the middle of the page template.
Use the layout that corresponds to the content pattern. For example, use the guide layout for a guide page such as Adult Disability Payment on
If you do not specify a layout, the default article layout is applied.
Custom layouts
You can create custom layouts by either:
- building a new layout from scratch
- adapting one of the pre-built layouts by adding or removing layout areas
We recommend building layouts using CSS Grid, like the Design System’s pre-built layouts.
You can use the functions and mixins in the Design System’s SCSS files to help you build layouts more easily.
Before you start building a layout you’ll need to:
- map out and name the areas in the layout – sketches can help with this
- decide how areas of the layout behave at viewport size breakpoints
Feedback, help and support
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